Course Description

If you want to be taken seriously as a copywriter today, you MUST know email copywriting…

I don’t remember the last time I did a project — for my clients, or my business — that didn’t involve one or more email marketing campaigns.

Emails are CENTRAL to online marketing success.

They are widely-known as the single-most profitable online marketing channel.

(According to email service provider Constant Contact, email has an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent.)

And oftentimes it’s only because email is so profitable that a business is able to invest heavily in other channels, such as paid advertising on Facebook, Google, and other networks.

Which means…

Your ability to get results with email will drive your TOTAL online marketing and copywriting success…

But here’s the tricky part…

Not all email campaigns are created equal!

The goal of one email or email sequence could be drastically different from another.

How emails are used can vary dramatically within a single campaign, and certainly within a business.

And if your strategy is dramatically different between emails, you can bet your copywriting techniques need to shift to match the strategy, too.

Here’s how to differentiate yourself as an email copywriter…

Novice email copywriters don’t do strategy.

Your client tells you they need an email written…  Or an email sequence written…  And you do it.

You just focus on writing the best emails possible.

And that can be good enough, especially getting started.

But you’ll never be taken seriously as a high-value email copywriter until you bring your own strategy.

Which means you understand the different emails that can be used…

And the different roles they can play…

And you’re able to sit down for your business or your client and map out a total email marketing plan to maximize your sales and profits.

What email marketing strategy should every copywriter know?

  • First things first, did you know that email fills not just one, but at least 3 different roles in selling and growing your customer relationship?  These 3 Cs make the purpose of each email clear and give you direction for your copy.
  • Not only that, there are two main categories of email — and which one you’re writing makes a HUGE impact on your strategy.  How long does an email need to be?  What’s your main goal?  How many links do you include, and where?  It all depends on this one decision.
  • What about specific types of email campaigns?  For example, how do you write an email autoresponder?  Versus how do you write some other kind of campaign, such as for a special sale, or webinar, or other event?  What’s the same between these?  And how do you need to tweak your strategy for each?
  • What about writing daily emails, like I do with Breakthrough Marketing Secrets?  What about other one-shot emails that don’t quite fit the mold of daily engagement and content?
  • And when it comes time to sit down and write marketing emails, what do you need to do first?  What are the guiding principles?  How do you write differently if the emails need to do the selling job, versus if you have a bigger sales message you’re driving them to?

And if you really want to get to email A-list status…

  • What about “smart” email marketing?  Your results will always be capped if everybody always gets the same emails.  How can you create email strategy and campaigns that dynamically respond to and target different members of your audience based on how they engage — so your most-engaged readers get the most attention from you, and less-engaged readers don’t get overwhelmed and start complaining?

I’m answering these questions and then some in Strategic Email Marketing for Copywriters…

We’ll go deep into this special topic, covering all of this in detail.

You’ll get a download of all my thinking behind my email marketing strategy, all the way up to writing the emails themselves.

And honestly, this is the most important part.

But don’t just take it from me.

You may know Mark Ford as the #2 at Agora, one of the biggest ($1 billion+ per year revenue) direct marketing companies in the world.

Or maybe you know him better under his pen name of Michael Masterson, which he used with American Writers & Artists, Inc. (AWAI) and in writing many of the best books on marketing and copywriting in the last couple decades.

In reading my emails, he told me…

“I’m very impressed with your thinking. Good thinking, I’ve said countless times, is the essence of good non-fiction writing.”

When you get the thinking right, the emails and results will flow effortlessly.

Strategic Email Marketing for Copywriters was originally recorded as the June 2021 Monthly Insiders Call.

With a BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass, you get to attend these calls live plus get access to all past call recordings, including this one.  Plus you get unlimited streaming access to the entire BTMSinsiders training catalog.

Founder & Lead Instructor, BTMSinsiders

Roy Furr

"I share ideas that grow businesses." At the heart of everything he does, whether that's consulting, copywriting, speaking, publishing, or training through BTMSinsiders, that one idea drives Roy forward. To share proven ideas for helping you grow your business today, based on the principles of effective direct response marketing.Roy Furr is one of the world's most-recognized authorities on direct response, results-accountable marketing and advertising. As both a copywriter and marketing strategist, Roy has been responsible for multiple multi-million dollar breakthroughs for clients since 2005. Today, Roy continues working with a limited number of high-level clients on creating marketing breakthroughs, publishes the free daily Breakthrough Marketing Secrets (BTMS) essays (regularly read and circulated among the marketing A-list), and is the founder and lead instructor of BTMSinsiders.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Strategic Email Marketing for Copywriters

    • Video Lesson (1:13:14)

    • A Quick Request

    • Download Mind Map and PDF for Strategic Email Marketing for Copywriters

Strategic Email Marketing for Copywriters
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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Write to the response curve

jubril Mohammed

This course is well detailed, showing you step by step on what to do with your email at any point in your campaign

You know what to do at the beginning of a campaign, the middle, and the end. You'll know when to do much and when to do less.

Definitely worth waaaaaay more than $7.



Landen McNiven



Great intro to email marketing

Kai Li Fu

The course was easy to understand, and had just enough information for a beginner.



Ayebanoa Benwari

The strategies!!! You just boosted my confidence to run this campaign. A lot of times getting insights from someone ahead does wonders and getting this whole breakdown. I'm super glad. Thank you!


Solid Stuff!

Chris Humphrey

This is comprehensive but very actionable content. I won't ding any stars off for the mindmap training (I loathe mindmaps) because Roy does such a great job explaining everything.



Mohammad Wasim

Roy went through the birds-eye view of the entire email marketing system with specific details. Anyone interested in maximizing conversion using e-mail as a communication tool should go through this session.

Members: Rate and review this course.

Roy Furr
Founder, BTMSinsiders

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My business runs on a set of core values, and the first is "The Golden Rule." That means we treat others the best way we want to be treated. Whether you love or hate us or our content (or anywhere in between), we will do right by you.

Strategic Email Marketing for Copywriters
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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