Course Description

How to Build a
Six-Figure Business

I remember the feeling

There I was, making $11 per hour, answering ANGRY customer service calls…

Working for the local gas company.

Someone doesn’t pay their gas bill all winter — and on the first warm day of spring, we go out and shut off their service…

They’re pissed…

And so they call the gas company, and start SCREAMING at the first person who picks up.

And there I was, on the other end of the line.

That was ME they were screaming at.

I was getting my ear chewed off like this customer was Mike Freaking Tyson…

Because somehow it was MY PROBLEM that THEY didn’t pay their gas bill.

So, yeah — that sucked.

My only solace was that near the end of my shift, the phones would always slow down.

I had time between calls, and I decided to use that time.

That’s when I started reading about the skill I would go on to start my business around…


I KNEW I wasn’t a fit for the normal work world — long before this discovery.

I’d spent enough time in cubicle farms — starting with visiting my mom at work, then in early call center jobs — that I knew I didn’t belong there.

But, I had no clue how I’d make my escape.

Entrepreneurship didn’t even really register for me.

I always imagined I’d just be stuck in a J-O-B forever, because I didn’t have a clear alternative.

Until I discovered that there were these people called copywriters…

Who worked on their own, from home or wherever they wanted…

And sold their work to businesses, who would pay a lot of money.

In fact, I heard that there were even copywriters who were…

Easily clearing $100k per year!

That sounded like an absolute fortune to me at the time.


That was about 5X what I was making…

And to do it from home, with no boss, no office, nobody monitoring when I’m clocking in and out?

… And no angry deadbeat customers calling to yell at me for something I had NOTHING to do with?

Sign me up!

But it wasn’t that easy.

And I ran into a lot of the same obstacles others run into.

I mean, I didn’t even have any experience in marketing.

I didn’t have copywriting skills.

But I’d soon figure out that was the LEAST of my problems.

Because even as you grow whatever skill it is you’re going to sell…

Whether that’s copywriting or something else entirely…

There’s so much more that goes into launching and building a six-figure business than just knowing how to do the skill you’re selling.

You can have all the skill in the world — or the best dang product — and it’s no guarantee you’ll get the clients or buyers you need to build a six-figure business.

In fact, I quickly learned you can have the exact skill you plan to sell and STILL slam right into a brick wall and stop making any progress in building your business.

  • At first I struggled to get ANY clients…
  • Then I struggled to get MANY clients…
  • Then just when everything was starting to go well, I self-sabotaged…

That last one hurt the worst.

Because I felt like I knew better.

At least, I should have.

But there I was, fully capable, and still blowing it.

That’s when I started to learn the lesson that your subconscious mind and your head trash can have as big of an impact on your success as ANYTHING in the external world.

I discovered that the foundation of your successful six-figure business MUST be built INSIDE YOU first, before you can ever build it out in the world.

Yes, there are some core strategies that you must implement outside of yourself.

But what makes everything work is what’s going on INSIDE YOU.

After a couple years of figuring it out…

I learned the secrets 
to a consistent 
six-figure business…

And since then, I’ve managed to maintain a consistent six-figure income from my business…

In less than 40 hours per week…

By following a few fundamental principles and strategies.

And while these come from my business, selling copywriting services…

They’re easily transferable to other businesses — especially those selling your expertise or services.

I’ve shared these often, in private coaching sessions.

And I’ve helped others build their business, far faster and with less mistakes than I made.

But I’ve never sat down and laid out these CRITICAL principles and strategies, in quite this way.

Designed to take you from ZERO to $100k as fast as possible.

What you need to know to build a rock solid business, from the inside out.

Plus avoid all the most common mistakes that plague many new entrepreneurs.

And now I’m sharing it in this special training.

The #1 thing you’ll get:

There are a lot of TACTICS that can be used in growing a business from Zero to $100k and beyond.

But here’s the thing…

While I could teach you tactics all day long, that’s how you hit the brick wall.

You try the tactics, and maybe they work — a little bit.

But if you don’t change your thinking and mindset…

You’re like a monkey banging a hammer.

You might build something.

But even if you do, you don’t know why it worked, and your next swing is just as likely to smash it down as add to it.

If you build CONFIDENCE on the right foundation FIRST, you’ll know what the heck you’re doing, and why it works.

So you can build a stronger business from one day to the next.

From Zero to $100k and beyond.

Here’s how to get
Zero to $100k:
How to Build a Six-Figure Business…

Zero to $100k is the June 2022 Monthly Insiders Call for BTMSinsiders members.

This exclusive benefit of membership — included as part of the BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass — allows you to participate in the training live, plus gives you access to all past Insiders Calls recordings.

Founder & Lead Instructor, BTMSinsiders

Roy Furr

"I share ideas that grow businesses." At the heart of everything he does, whether that's consulting, copywriting, speaking, publishing, or training through BTMSinsiders, that one idea drives Roy forward. To share proven ideas for helping you grow your business today, based on the principles of effective direct response marketing.Roy Furr is one of the world's most-recognized authorities on direct response, results-accountable marketing and advertising. As both a copywriter and marketing strategist, Roy has been responsible for multiple multi-million dollar breakthroughs for clients since 2005. Today, Roy continues working with a limited number of high-level clients on creating marketing breakthroughs, publishes the free daily Breakthrough Marketing Secrets (BTMS) essays (regularly read and circulated among the marketing A-list), and is the founder and lead instructor of BTMSinsiders.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Zero to $100k

    • Video Lesson (1:15:27)

    • A Quick Request

    • Downloads for Zero to $100k

Zero to $100k
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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Perfect Answer to My Question!

Sean Van Zant

Was literally thinking about asking this question on the BTMSinsider's facebook group.

But checked Roy's training and found the answer!

Would highly recommend for anyone, especially copywriters to watch and work through this training!


When You Step On the Gas Make Sure You Have the Proper Footwear

Alan Morgan

Great training on the inner game required to have the willpower, desire, and fortitude to weather the ups and downs of making it to $100k. Without that, all the necessary skills of the marketing copy business will never see their true potential. This training on focusing on your mental attitude and business attitude is SUPER!


If you need help moving forward, watch this

Angela Archer

I've been stuck for a long time. Too long in fact. This course has helped to shed light on what's been holding me back and the steps I need to take to move forward. Thanks, Roy I owe you a million!  

Members: Rate and review this course.

Roy Furr
Founder, BTMSinsiders

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I personally stand behind the value of BTMSinsiders, with a simple guarantee.  Try us for your first month, at zero risk or obligation. If you're not totally satisfied for any reason, let us know by emailing [email protected]. You'll get a prompt and courteous full refund of your first month's fee. After your first month, cancel anytime and you won't be billed a penny more.

My business runs on a set of core values, and the first is "The Golden Rule." That means we treat others the best way we want to be treated. Whether you love or hate us or our content (or anywhere in between), we will do right by you.

Zero to $100k
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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