Course Description

These are the essential skills, 
principles, and strategies 
REQUIRED for success
as a copywriter.

There’s a famous old book…

All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten.

What I’m about to share with you is a lot like that.

While it’s not 100% true…

… For example, the author of that book did not learn how to structure, write, publish, and sell a nonfiction book in kindergarten…

It does represent the core lessons for success.

While that book is meant as a self-help book, with life lessons…

Here, I’ll share with you the fundamental, most important lessons of copywriting.

Especially, direct response copywriting, where  you are accountable for the results your words generate.

This is what you should learn about copywriting in your first 12 months as a copywriter.

The truth is, most copywriters probably don’t.

There are all kinds of copywriting teachers.

All kinds of employment situations for copywriters.

And other scenarios that would lead copywriters to learn a lot of wrong things about copywriting.

ESPECIALLY copywriting meant to get response, that will be judged based on the results it generates.

However, with nearly 20 years experience, making my living as a results-accountable copywriter…

These are the core, key, most essential lessons that lead to successful marketing copy.

If you’re newer to copywriting…

This is a PERFECT time to go through this training.

Some of it I learned in my first 12 months.

Some of it took me much longer, but I wish I had.

Because I’ve spent an entire career breaking down the core fundamentals, principles, and strategies that lead to effective advertising…

I’m now able to share these lessons in a way that just make sense, even if you’re pretty dang new to writing marketing and advertising copy.

And yet…

If you’re already a professional copywriter…

This is ALSO a PERFECT time to go through this training.

There’s a reason professional athletes go back to Spring Training between every season, and practice the fundamentals.

Because the fundamentals are the foundation on which any advanced methods are built.

The better you are at the fundamentals, the more effective you will be every time you wish to stretch, to innovate, to push yourself.

Now don’t get me wrong…

This isn’t everything you can learn about copywriting.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

It’s merely the most important things.

The core lessons on which everything else is built.

So while, for example, I don’t believe every copywriter should learn to write a Video Sales Letter (or VSL) during their first year of copywriting…

They should develop an understanding of copy and generating response they could then apply to write a VSL.

That’s what you’re getting.

Here’s what becomes possible…

If you understand copy in this way, your skills are eminently adaptable, versatile, and powerful in any context.

For example, I went from writing IT training copy to business opportunity to financial publishing to survival, with very little challenge in adapting.

Because I’m not looking at superficial tactics that change from market to market.

Likewise, I’m suddenly writing 30-minute TV scripts, when I never touched TV before.

And I’ve been told by clients it’s better than the scripts that are based on many more years’ experience in that format.

Because I understand the fundamentals.

Likewise, if you understand the fundamentals, you can write your own ticket.

You can go from medium to medium, from market to market, and have a pretty good shot at writing dang good copy…

And then build on that with the specifics that only come with experience.

But again, it’s all about having the right foundation.

It’s all about understanding the fundamentals.

Here’s how you get access to 
The Fundamentals of Copywriting

The Fundamentals of Copywriting: Every direct response copywriter should master these principles and strategies is the January 2024 Monthly Insiders Call for BTMSinsiders members.

This exclusive benefit of membership — included as part of the BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass — allows you to participate in the training live, plus gives you access to all past Insiders Calls recordings.

Founder & Lead Instructor, BTMSinsiders

Roy Furr

"I share ideas that grow businesses." At the heart of everything he does, whether that's consulting, copywriting, speaking, publishing, or training through BTMSinsiders, that one idea drives Roy forward. To share proven ideas for helping you grow your business today, based on the principles of effective direct response marketing.Roy Furr is one of the world's most-recognized authorities on direct response, results-accountable marketing and advertising. As both a copywriter and marketing strategist, Roy has been responsible for multiple multi-million dollar breakthroughs for clients since 2005. Today, Roy continues working with a limited number of high-level clients on creating marketing breakthroughs, publishes the free daily Breakthrough Marketing Secrets (BTMS) essays (regularly read and circulated among the marketing A-list), and is the founder and lead instructor of BTMSinsiders.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Fundamentals of Copywriting

    • Video Lesson (1:10:27)

    • A Quick Request

    • Downloads for The Fundamentals of Copywriting

The Fundamentals of Copywriting
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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Roy Furr
Founder, BTMSinsiders

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The Fundamentals of Copywriting
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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