Course Description

Now, Even More Value
from Your BTMSinsiders Training!

I’ve always tried to make BTMSinsiders training at least somewhat interactive.  There’s a Q&A functionality.  Some of the training is delivered as live webinars.  When it’s possible, I’ll answer any questions that come in.  And yet…

I wanted to make the interactive part of BTMSinsiders even more valuable to you…

So I’ve added monthly Insiders Calls, as an exclusive benefit on top of your BTMSinsiders training.

These are two-part monthly calls…

In part one of each call, we cover the Special Topic of my choice.  (And based on member input.)  I put together at least 20-40 minutes worth of content.  And I let loose, holding nothing back as I share on the call.

Then in part two, I’m 100% dedicated to YOU, to sharing whatever will be of the greatest benefit to you.  Answering your questions.  Letting you hop on for a hot seat.  Going deeper into what I’ve just covered.  Whatever — I take requests!

April 2024 Insiders Call:
Pillars of Trust

The Most Powerful 
Business Success Secret?

Why did McDonald’s become the single-biggest restaurant chain in the world?

It wasn’t the quality of the food.  It wasn’t the service.  It wasn’t the atmosphere.  It wasn’t the advertising, either.

If I can sum it up in one word, it was this: TRUST.

You could go into a McDonald’s in the next city, the next state, the next country over — or even all the way around the world — and you could have 100% TRUST that you’d have a McDonald’s experience.

Sure, they localized the experience a little bit, in completely different countries and cultures.

But largely, McDonald’s is McDonald's.

And as far as I understand it, McDonald’s still holds the #1 spot for fast food around the world — a position they’ve held for decades.

And sure, consumer preferences are trending away from burger joint fast food.  So Subway is gaining ground and could easily overtake McDonald’s in the next few years.

Still, this doesn’t disprove my point.

Because Subway has created that same trustworthiness that McDonald’s did.  Subway is Subway.  Again, TRUST.

This isn’t a million-dollar marketing secret.
It’s a billion-dollar business secret.

You can build a flash-in-the-pan success without trust.  Maybe.

At least, you can fake trust for long enough to take some money out of a market.

(Of course, if you’re faking trust, you might be doing the things that lead to the FTC or other similar agencies catching up with you.  Which is no bueno.)

If you want to build a real business that just keeps growing and delivering lasting success, it takes trust.

Trust is a cornerstone of success.

If you maintain and grow trust, attracting new customers and revenue as well as repeat business just keeps getting easier.

If you botch your trust with the market, you may struggle or even run your business into the ground.

A horror story of a business that lost my trust.

I’ve always invested in high-speed internet.

Today that’s faster than ever.  But ever since I was paying my own internet bill, I paid extra for whatever high speed was at the time.

In Lincoln, where I’ve lived most of my adult life, the government-sanctioned monopoly on cable service went to Time Warner.

Prior to fiber, cable was the fastest internet you could get.

So I had my internet through Time Warner.

The speed was good enough.  When it worked.  Which was often enough.

But note, I didn’t really have an option.  So I couldn’t easily go to a competitor.

Time Warner knew this, and…

They abused it.

They were in a market where they held a monopoly protected by government regulation, so trust was irrelevant.  At least on a short timeline.

They’d invite you in with low-priced entry rates, and double your rates 90 days later.

It was a constant battle.  You could call and threaten to cancel.  And they’d put you back on the introductory rate.  For another 90 days.  Until…

But every time they did that, it eroded my trust.

Not just mine, either.  Any customers who were paying attention seethed, but there was no better option.

They went through a couple name changes.  We got Road Runner.  Then Spectrum.

But all along, it was the same terrible service, from the same terrible company.

Then, the monopoly got disrupted.  

Not because another cable provider came into town.  But because fiber internet didn’t rely on the regulated cable infrastructure.

So a new company came into town, to lay fiber internet to the in-home router.

Then, this new company, Allo, did something even better.

They said, “No price games.  We’ll deliver ultra-fast internet, and here’s the price.”

Sure, it was more expensive when you weren’t on an introductory rate.  But there weren’t any games.

They also did something subtle, but powerful, to build trust.

While most internet is sold at “speeds up to,” this fiber company said you were buying “at least this speed.”

So rather than my 15 MBPS cable internet constantly clocking in at 14.73 MBPS…  My 500 MBPS fiber constantly clocks at a hair over 500 MBPS.

Which brings me to…

The unfortunate situation of a salesman selling a company that’s lost trust…

Spectrum, who used to be Time Warner, has seen their market share for local internet continue to crash.  At least in our city.

Rather than providing a high-trust service with high-trust business practices, they’ve put salesmen on the streets to pitch the same inferior service.

Recent posts in our city subreddit have suggested these salespeople are engaging in even more shady and deceptive sales tactics than the company…

Probably because there’s little oversight into how they’re actually closing customers, as long as the customers are signing up.

But when I answer the door and someone’s wearing a Spectrum shirt?

I flat out tell them I don’t trust their company, and will never do business with them again.

And I know I’m not alone.

When people in that same local subreddit ask about internet service, there’s a chorus of voices in support of this local fiber internet company.

And many of those voices are backed up with the same justification I’d give.

  • They don’t mess around. 
  • They deliver a great service.  
  • And they do what they say they’re going to do.

They’re not perfect.  And the mere process of getting utilities buried in your yard has created some distaste.  But that’s few and far between, a one-time problem, and quickly forgotten in favor of an overall much better and more trusted customer experience.

But I can tell you this: Allo has largely destroyed the cable monopoly over high-speed internet in my city, by coming in and building trust.

Earlier I said Time Warner/Spectrum got away with abusing trust on a short timeline.  But that only worked while they were legally protected from competition.  On a longer timeline, that protection disappeared.  And they quickly discovered the market was more than ready to abandon them.

This applies in business after business, industry after industry.  It even (especially) applies to solo service businesses.

Don’t be mistaken because I’m talking about fast food and high-speed internet companies that I’m not talking about you.

TRUST is the lesson, the focus, and the principle.

Being trustworthy goes a long way to creating success.

Losing trust with a market can ruin you.

And abusing trust can lead to BBB complaints followed by enforcement action from government authorities.

We’ve seen a lot of that recently.  Direct response companies that focus on “sell at any cost” created rapid success merely on their ability to generate conversions.

But bad customer experiences piled up.  Followed by complaints.  And some of those complaints made their way to government agencies that regulate commerce.  And “Operation Income Illusion” was one of many targeting companies that were found to be in violation — first and foremost — of consumer trust.

Regardless of the size of your business though, trust matters.

Your buyer, whoever they are, makes a buying decision because they trust you’ll deliver on your promise.

How you fulfill on that (or behave when you can’t) will make or break trust.

And that happens person-by-person.

When you build trust, they come back.  When you abuse it, they leave.

Which brings me to…

The economics of trust.

You’ve probably heard truisms like “it costs 10X as much to get a new customer as to bring an old one back.”

This is repeated because it’s true.  But it does require trust.

Let’s say you spend $100 to get a new customer to spend $100 with you.

That might seem like a waste of money.  And if you don’t have repeat business, it is.

But what if that same customer trusted you completely, and returned to spend another $100 with you every 6 months for the next 5 years?

And what if your trusted relationship with that customer led to it being extremely cheap and easy to get them to spend that $100 every 6 months?

So your first $100 cost $100 to generate.  But maybe over the next 5 years, you spend just $100 to generate an additional $1,000 in revenue.

The profits generated from that first sale was $0.

But the profits from the subsequent sales was $900.

Of course this is a simplified illustration.  But it holds true in the real world.

Once you’ve established a relationship of trust with a customer, if you have something to offer them for a second purchase, a third, a fourth, etc…

They will keep coming back.  And it will cost a fraction to generate the additional sales versus what it cost to generate the first one.

But that only holds up if you maintain trust with the market.

Important: Trustworthiness is not a tactic.

Here is where I pivot and start talking about the training I’m delivering.

But before I do that, I want to underscore an important point.

I will teach tactics that help you build trust.  There are specific superficial steps you can take that make you more trustworthy, in the moment.

And if there’s anything that I’d love for you to “fake it ‘til you make it” on, it’s trust.

If you keep behaving in trustworthy ways, for whatever motivation, until you are just a trustworthy person…  GREAT!

But you can’t use trust tactics just to drive conversion, after which you switch back to being untrustworthy or deceptive.

Your behavior, as a business and as an individual, needs to be consistently trustworthy.

Then trust will accumulate, and it will have a snowball effect on your success.

Trust must become a fundamental disposition and operating principle.

That’s how it becomes transformative.

Let me show you the behaviors that lead to trust.

I’ve identified more than a dozen pillars of trust that will dramatically increase your marketing and business success.

Some are tactical and superficial, easier to replicate, and quick to have an impact.

Others are deeper, more core to the way you operate.

All serve to reinforce each other, creating a culture and essence of trustworthiness that will keep customers and clients coming back over and over again.

In this training, I break down and explain these pillars of trust, and how they can be applied in your business.

This may not be the most popular training I ever do. 

It certainly doesn’t feed the dopamine-induced drive for hacks and tactics, so common especially amongst the newbies to marketing who are just focused on getting their kicks.

But for real businesses that want to create a real impact for their stakeholders and in their markets, this is pure power.

Here’s how you get access to 
Pillars of Trust

Pillars of Trust: Dramatically increase your marketing and business success is the April 2024 Monthly Insiders Call for BTMSinsiders members.

This exclusive benefit of membership — included as part of the BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass — allows you to participate in the training live, plus gives you access to all past Insiders Calls recordings.

How to attend live…

The best way to make sure you get an invite for the monthly Insiders Calls is by having an active BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass.  

You'll get an invite to register before the call.  Plus you can always check in the Course Contents at the bottom of this page for the next webinar registration link.

Access the recordings…

The archive of monthly calls is yet another added benefit of the BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass.  

As an all-access pass holder, you can catch the call afterwards — via the recording — if you couldn’t attend live.  Plus you’ll get unlimited access to all prior months’ calls, listed at the bottom of this page.

PLUS: More bonus content...

In addition to the monthly Insiders Calls, I'll occasionally add bonus content to this page.  When I have similar short-form content that's not quite an entire course in itself, I will add it here.  Which will automatically make it available to you, as part of your membership.

Click here to learn more about the BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass.  

Thank you for being part of BTMSinsiders!

Founder & Lead Instructor, BTMSinsiders

Roy Furr

"I share ideas that grow businesses." At the heart of everything he does, whether that's consulting, copywriting, speaking, publishing, or training through BTMSinsiders, that one idea drives Roy forward. To share proven ideas for helping you grow your business today, based on the principles of effective direct response marketing.Roy Furr is one of the world's most-recognized authorities on direct response, results-accountable marketing and advertising. As both a copywriter and marketing strategist, Roy has been responsible for multiple multi-million dollar breakthroughs for clients since 2005. Today, Roy continues working with a limited number of high-level clients on creating marketing breakthroughs, publishes the free daily Breakthrough Marketing Secrets (BTMS) essays (regularly read and circulated among the marketing A-list), and is the founder and lead instructor of BTMSinsiders.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    [April 2024 Insiders Call] Pillars of Trust

    • Watch Now: Pillars of Trust

  • 2

    A Quick Request

    • A Quick Request

  • 3

    [March 2024 Insiders Call] Direct Response, Your Secret Weapon

    • Watch Now: Direct Response, Your Secret Weapon

  • 4

    [February 2024 Insiders Call] Selling High-Ticket Products and Services

    • Watch Now: Selling High-Ticket Products and Services

  • 5

    [January 2024 Insiders Call] The Fundamentals of Copywriting

    • Watch Now: Your The Fundamentals of Copywriting

  • 6

    [December 2023 Insiders Call] Your Strategic Vision

    • Watch Now: Your Strategic Vision

  • 7

    [November 2023 Insiders Call] Reverse-Engineering A Powerful Lead Generation System

    • Watch Now: Reverse-Engineering A Powerful Lead Generation System

  • 8

    [October 2023 Insiders Call] Unlimited Clients System

    • Watch Now: Unlimited Clients System

  • 9

    [September 2023 Insiders Call] The 3 X-Factor Email Campaigns

    • Watch Now: The 3 X-Factor Email Campaigns

  • 10

    [August 2023 Insiders Call] How To Write A Video Sales Letter

    • Watch Now: How To Write A Video Sales Letter

  • 11

    [July 2023 Insiders Call] The 10X Copywriting Success Process

    • Watch Now: The 10X Copywriting Success Process

  • 12

    [June 2023 Insiders Call] The Paid To Pitch Method

    • Watch Now: The Paid To Pitch Method

  • 13

    [May 2023 Insiders Call] Copywriting Market Research with ChatGPT

    • Watch Now: Copywriting Market Research with ChatGPT

  • 14

    [April 2023 Insiders Call] Advertorial Copywriting

    • Watch Now: Advertorial Copywriting

  • 15

    [March 2023 Insiders Call] Mastering the 2-Call Close Sales Process

    • Watch Now: Mastering the 2-Call Close Sales Process

  • 16

    [February 2023 Insiders Call] The Future-Proof Marketer

    • Watch Now: The Future-Proof Marketer

  • 17

    [January 2023 Insiders Call] AI Copywriting Assistant

    • Watch Now: AI Copywriting Assistant

  • 18

    [December 2022 Insiders Call] Finding Purpose in Your Work and Life

    • Watch Now: Finding Purpose in Your Work and Life

  • 19

    [November 2022 Insiders Call] Lead Generation Offers, Ads, and Funnels

    • Watch Now: Lead Generation Offers, Ads, and Funnels

  • 20

    [October 2022 Insiders Call] Live Sales Letter Brainstorming Session

    • Watch Now: Live Sales Letter Brainstorming Session

  • 21

    [September 2022 Insiders Call] Create Your First Online Course

    • Watch Now: Create Your First Online Course

  • 22

    [August 2022 Insiders Call] High-Ticket Copywriting Offers

    • Watch Now: High-Ticket Copywriting Offers

  • 23

    [July 2022 Insiders Call] Email Marketing Partner: Business Blueprint

    • Watch Now: Email Marketing Partner: Business Blueprint

  • 24

    [June 2022 Insiders Call] Zero to $100k

    • Watch Now: Zero to $100k

  • 25

    [May 2022 Insiders Call] Conversion Architecture 101: Three Funnels to Rule Them All

    • Watch Now: Conversion Architecture 101: Three Funnels to Rule Them All

  • 26

    [April 2022 Insiders Call] Content Marketing to Grow Your Business

    • Watch Now: Content Marketing to Grow Your Business

  • 27

    [March 2022 Insiders Call] 16 Tips to Grow Your Copywriting Business

    • Watch Now: 16 Tips to Grow Your Copywriting Business

  • 28

    [February 2022 Insiders Call] Copywriter Client Onboarding

    • Watch Now: Copywriter Client Onboarding

  • 29

    [January 2022 Insiders Call] Small Work, Big Productivity

    • Watch Now: Small Work, Big Productivity

  • 30

    [December 2021 Insiders Call] Freedom Through Copywriting

    • Watch Now: Freedom Through Copywriting

  • 31

    [November 2021 Insiders Call] Finding Gold in Your Funnel Stats

    • Watch Now: Finding Gold in Your Funnel Stats

  • 32

    [October 2021 Insiders Call] Training Your Subconscious Success Mechanism

    • Watch Now: Training Your Subconscious Success Mechanism

  • 33

    [September 2021 Insiders Call] Freelance Copywriter Websites

    • Watch Now: Freelance Copywriter Websites

  • 34

    [August 2021 Insiders Call] Hiring a Superstar Virtual Assistant

    • Watch Now: Hiring a Superstar Virtual Assistant

  • 35

    [July 2021 Insiders Call] "Welcome Mat" Funnels to Get New Customers

    • Watch Now: "Welcome Mat" Funnels to Get New Customers

  • 36

    [June 2021 Insiders Call] Strategic Email Marketing for Copywriters

    • Watch Now: Strategic Email Marketing for Copywriters

  • 37

    [May 2021 Insiders Call] The Podcast PR Blueprint

    • Watch Now: The Podcast PR Blueprint

  • 38

    [April 2021 Insiders Call] Client Offers Hotseats

    • Call Recording (01:03:50)

    • Download Mind Map and PDF for Client Offers Hotseats

  • 39

    [BONUS] Facebook Strategy for Copywriters ft. Bob Regnerus

    • Watch Now: Facebook Strategy for Copywriters ft. Bob Regnerus

    • Get Bob's Book & The Presentation Slides

  • 40

    [March 2021 Insiders Call] The 6-Step Belief-Shifting Framework

    • Watch Now: The 6-Step Belief-Shifting Framework

  • 41

    [February 2021 Insiders Call] Special Topic: Know Thy Customer

    • Watch Now: Know Thy Customer

  • 42

    [BONUS] Writing High-Converting Facebook-Compliant Copy ft. Ed Reay

    • Watch Now: Writing High-Converting Facebook-Compliant Copy ft. Ed Reay

    • Download Ed's Hyper-Compliant Viral Ad Framework + Get His Emails

  • 43

    [BONUS] Get Retainer Copywriting Clients & Get Paid Every Month ft. Shiv Shetti

    • Webinar Recording (1:03)

    • Get the Flaming Camel case study and connect with Shiv

  • 44

    [January 2021 Insiders Call] Special Topic: Backwards Facebook Ads Copywriting

    • Watch Now: Backwards Facebook Ads Copywriting

  • 45

    [December 2020 Insiders Call] Special Topic: Writing Powerful Bullets and Fascinations

    • Watch Now: Writing Powerful Bullets and Fascinations

  • 46

    [November 2020 Insiders Call] Special Topic: The Hot SECS Method for More Emotional Copywriting

    • Call Recording (55:44)

    • Download Worksheet & Mind Map

  • 47

    [October 2020 Insiders Call] Special Topic: The Magic Number Secret to Maximum Customer Acquisition

    • Call Recording (59:28)

    • Download Mind Map & Magic Number Calculator

  • 48

    [September 2020 Insiders Call] Why Ads Worked analysis of Gary Halbert's famous "Illegal Sexual Stimulant" TOVA Perfume Launch Ad

    • Call Recording (1:04:28)

    • Download the Gary Halbert "Illegal Sexual Stimulant" Tova Perfume Ad

  • 49

    [August 2020 Insiders Call] My System to Get Testimonials

    • Watch Now: My System to Get Testimonials

  • 50

    [August 2020 Bonus Content] Breakthrough Marketing Secrets Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) Call

    • Call Recording (1:32:02)

  • 51

    [July 2020 Insiders Call] Special Topic: Cash for Copy Reviews

    • Watch Now: Cash for Copy Reviews

  • 52

    [June 2020 Insiders Call] Special Topic: Email Copywriting Prompts

    • Watch Now: Email Copywriting Prompts

  • 53

    [May 2020 Insiders Call] Special Topic: Writing Transformational Copy

    • Call Recording (55:49)

    • Download Mind Map

  • 54

    [April 2020 Insiders Call] Special Topic: 2 Simple Secrets for More Effective Copy

    • Call Recording (44:09)

    • Download Mind Map

  • 55

    [March 2020 Insiders Call] Special Topic: Strategic Thinking in a Time of Crisis

    • Call Recording (1:02:03)

    • Download Mind Map

  • 56

    [February 2020 Insiders Call] Special Topic: Selling Expert Services

    • Call Recording (49:18)

    • Download Mind Map

  • 57

    [February 2020 Bonus Content] BTMSinsiders Pricing & Content Survey: Key Takeaways

    • Video Lesson (34:12)

    • Download Slides

  • 58

    [January 2020 Insiders Call] Special Topic: Client Getting

    • Call Recording (54:01)

    • Download Mind Map

Monthly Insiders Call Recordings + Bonus Content
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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Copy-shifting brilliance

Patrick Reilley

Knowing how to change beliefs is the Midas touch. Turn your next promo into solid gold with this training.


Treasure Island does exist


Lots of material here; very well organized and wth substance. Steps. what they are, how best use them and where to apply them. All is there to use. Have to use that now. I rarely give 5 *****; here, more like 4.4


Gives you the big picture AND the step-by-step "how to"

Simon Farrar

As with Roy's High Velocity Copywriting training, I like that this training first gives you the big picture... then drills down into what you should aim to cover in each of the six sections of this sales message framework. Very helpful and easy to understand.


Huge Treasure Trove of Email Ideas

Jessica Ralph

This training was amazing. I was coming up with so many of my own ideas in the market I'm writing in as I went through. Had to keep pausing to take notes!

A lot of ideas I've heard before but framed in different ways or with different specific examples. Email ideas are one of those things that are always good to hear over and over again so they get in your brain and you can use them when needed without having to go back to a list.

I'll be coming back to this, again and again, to get ideas whenever I need to write an email and don't have an idea that pops into my head right away.


Quick, Insightful, and Incredibly High in Value!

Yamna Malik

This was my first BTMS Insiders lesson and I'm amazed at how much value Roy delivered within one hour! I've taken so many notes!

The best part was learning how effectively the process works, and it's 10x easier too! There were a lot of gold nuggets thrown in there about hooks, story angles, and creating the perfect offer.

I'm ready to practice Roy's technique and take a crack at a couple of ads!


Email Copywriting Prompts Is Great!

Laurie Wright

At first I was sad these weren't the typical swipe copy templates, but as usual Roy knows what he's doing! This is so much better.

Thanks for another great course Roy!


Helped me Understand the hidden secrets behind the acquisition wheel

Muhammad Huzaifa

Roy put total energy and effort to help me understand why successful are successful. Why they're going and growing successfully. Mamma mia, highly recommended.


Really liked this one!

Chris Humphrey

This was packed with great and actionable info. Can't wait to put it into action!


These Prompts are like Crack Cocaine!!!

Mohammad Wasim

You can play around with one or two of these more than 30 prompts and easily come up with a sequence.


Great Freelance Website Training!

Sean Van Zant

I like the way you gave alternative website content pages that are essential for a website. Rather than the optional, popular website architecture. 

And that most copywriter websites don't convert very well. 

You also gave a solution for helping copywriters convert prospects that come to their site through a funnel.


Essential viewing if you’re serious ...

Gary Cooper

Roy is simply brilliant at breaking down concepts and ideas into workable chunks and methods you can introduce into your copywriting business. 

His suggestions have saved me many wasted hours - and I’m learning from someone who is walking the talk. 

Don’t miss these.

Members: Rate and review this course.

Roy Furr
Founder, BTMSinsiders

My Guarantee

I personally stand behind the value of BTMSinsiders, with a simple guarantee.  Try us for your first month, at zero risk or obligation. If you're not totally satisfied for any reason, let us know by emailing [email protected]. You'll get a prompt and courteous full refund of your first month's fee. After your first month, cancel anytime and you won't be billed a penny more.

My business runs on a set of core values, and the first is "The Golden Rule." That means we treat others the best way we want to be treated. Whether you love or hate us or our content (or anywhere in between), we will do right by you.

Monthly Insiders Call Recordings + Bonus Content
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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