Course Description

2 calls.  
About 90 minutes combined.  

… And your potential client 
has already made 
their buying decision.

They may or may not buy at the end of the 2nd call — especially if there’s a purchasing department involved. 

But they’ve already made the buying decision.

The rest is just details and logistics.

There’s a reason the “2-Call Close” has become so popular…

Especially with businesses selling higher-ticket offers…

Especially with businesses selling directly to decision-makers.


The 2-Call Close Just Works…

It works on a few levels.

First, it does one of the most important things you can do in selling…

It qualifies and disqualifies prospects.

By the time someone is through the 2-call close process, they feel like they must be a good prospect for what you offer.  Because you let them through.

This means they are among the privileged few who get to buy from you.  (Note, NOT that you are getting to buy — who get to buy from you.  This turns the tables completely.)

And yes, you absolutely must make sure you are legitimately disqualifying bad prospects.

But if you follow the 2-call close process as I teach it, an essential component is screening for fit.

And when people make it through, they feel like they must be a good fit for your service — otherwise, why would they have made it through?

Second, it makes you look good…

In other words, it helps with your positioning.

If you’re screening them, it means…

— You must be good.

— You must know what you’re doing.

— You must be worth it.

This is a subconscious message communicated through the process.

It’s not something you have to say.

Third, it makes them sell themselves to you…

I alluded to this before.

But it’s worth underlininghighlighting, putting in bold and italics.

When you follow the 2-call close process, you are not selling yourself hard to them.

Sure, at some point you do present your offer, and give them an opportunity to buy.

But long before that, you are turning the tables and asking them to justify why they are a good fit for you.

This completely changes the selling dynamic, leads to easier sales, AND leads to a better client relationship after the sale.

Fourth, it protects you from wasting time with bad prospects…

You will still have bad prospects.

No matter how you market or sell, they’ll find you.

But instead of them sucking up an hour or more of your time (sometimes much more, using other selling methods)...

You dedicate less than 30 minutes to identifying the bad prospects…

And then you send them on their way, with your best wishes.

(Or perhaps they’re a good prospect for a lower-ticket offer, which you can direct them towards.)

Your time is perhaps your most valuable asset.

You DO NOT want it to be sucked out of your life by time vampires.

The 2-call close protects your time.

Fifth, this is scalable…

If you want to build a scalable high-ticket offer and business, it’s almost essential to implement a 2-call close process.

First, because of how it protects your time, if you are conducting both calls.

Second, because call #1 is easy to delegate to even entry-level salespeople who are simply guided to ask a set of questions and determine criteria for scheduling the next appointment.

Third, because this entire process can be delegated to a sales team, once it’s established and adapted to your business.  (Call #2 does require a level of consultative selling though, which means a little more skill and offer knowledge.)

The 2-Call Close is Both

When you break it down to its core principles — as I teach — it’s something you can adapt to most businesses, most industries, most markets…

(You should not be asking yourself, “Can this work for me?”  But rather, “How could this work for me?”)

Yes, your customer value has to support it.  There is financial or opportunity cost (or both) in having conversations with prospects.  And the longer time you spend in conversation, the more the cost.  But with an appropriate customer value, that’s an investment in additional high-quality clients acquired and sales generated.

Also, your sales process should be one where these conversations make sense.  For example, more complex offers typically require more communication.  Also, the customer has to be willing and able to have the conversations with you.  And you, with them.

But for the vast majority of higher-ticket offers, higher-ticket businesses (ESPECIALLY one-to-one or one-to-many service offerings)... 

The 2-Call Close is a highly effective and efficient way to generate more sales.

Let Me Help You
Master The 2-Call Close
Sales Process…

This training is called Mastering The 2-Call Close

And it breaks down this process on multiple levels.

  • The intent of each call and the role you must play to do them successfully.
  • How to structure the first call, and the second.
  • Positioning for each call, to make them compelling and desirable for your target prospects.
  • Funnel strategies to get your best prospects on the phone.
  • The best times to present your offer (including your price) and how to do it.
  • How to maintain control of the calls, for better compliance during the sales process AND a better, more bought-in client after the sale is closed.
  • When and how to delegate these calls, to scale your business.

… And a whole lot more.

Whether you’re running a solo client business or plan to grow much bigger, you absolutely do not want to miss this…

Here’s how you get access to
Mastering The 2-Call Close

Mastering the 2-Call Close Sales Process: How to get to YES in 90 minutes or less is the March 2023 Monthly Insiders Call for BTMSinsiders members.

This exclusive benefit of membership — included as part of the BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass — allows you to participate in the training live, plus gives you access to all past Insiders Calls recordings.

Founder & Lead Instructor, BTMSinsiders

Roy Furr

"I share ideas that grow businesses." At the heart of everything he does, whether that's consulting, copywriting, speaking, publishing, or training through BTMSinsiders, that one idea drives Roy forward. To share proven ideas for helping you grow your business today, based on the principles of effective direct response marketing.Roy Furr is one of the world's most-recognized authorities on direct response, results-accountable marketing and advertising. As both a copywriter and marketing strategist, Roy has been responsible for multiple multi-million dollar breakthroughs for clients since 2005. Today, Roy continues working with a limited number of high-level clients on creating marketing breakthroughs, publishes the free daily Breakthrough Marketing Secrets (BTMS) essays (regularly read and circulated among the marketing A-list), and is the founder and lead instructor of BTMSinsiders.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Mastering the 2-Call Close Sales Process

    • Video Lesson (59:23)

    • A Quick Request

    • Download for Mastering the 2-Call Close Sales Process

  • 2

    BONUS: Daily Outreach Tracker

    • Video Lesson (06:07)

    • Download the Daily Outreach Tracker Sheet

Mastering the 2-Call Close Sales Process
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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Roy Furr
Founder, BTMSinsiders

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Mastering the 2-Call Close Sales Process
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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