Course Description

Look over my shoulder 
as I design a client funnel project 
from scratch…

The client showed up wanting a video sales letter for a subscription product, for cold traffic acquisition…

By the time we were done, I had designed an 11-part project… 

(Actually, there are 23 pieces of copy plus 2 additional “strategy” deliverables…)

... Including a multi-offer funnel… 

... And a smorgasbord of copy elements to help them drive traffic through multiple channels…

... And alternative copy to test at critical conversion points in the funnel to help maximize our overall chances of success...

Combined to form a funnel that has overwhelming odds of being profitable and scalable, selling to cold traffic and audiences that don't know the client or what they offer yet.

This is how top copywriters and marketers think...

We don’t just write copy to assignment.

We figure out what the client wants as their ultimate outcome…

What their current situation and opportunity is…

What our expertise says they ACTUALLY need to do…

And what a good plan of action is to move forward.

Then, we respond to their request with a prescription that’s often for something much more substantial than they were asking for in the beginning…

And if they’re a good client, they say YES.

If they’re a bad client, they say they don’t want to follow our advice — and we turn them away.

This is how, as a top copywriter, I justify fees in excess of $20,000 — PLUS royalties of 5%, starting with the first sale — and easily EARN those fees on the back-end plus potentially many multiples with the royalties.

(Honestly, I probably could and should have charged a bigger fee for this project...  But I'll make it up on those royalties!)

I'm essentially creating an income-generating asset and profit center from scratch.

Now, I’ll show you how it’s done…

I was inspired by a recent client project…

Where I had this situation happen.

So I took all my notes and removed all client details that could be understood as private, proprietary, confidential, or in any other way “not mine to share.”

Which still left me with my own thinking as I outlined the funnel…

  • Analyzing the background, current situation, current offer, and current marketing...
  • What they originally requested, and my response plus the thinking behind it...
  • An explanation of my fees and royalties specific to this project...
  • The final project design including an explanation of the different copy elements, deliverables, and how they fit into an overall funnel strategy...
  • As well as my overall reflections, insights, and perspective on the whole process...

PLUS, a description of how you can use all of this to plan and create your own funnels...

Whether it’s a funnel for client projects…

Or a funnel for your own business…

Or both…

And I decided to share…

Here’s how top copywriters think through creating a funnel to scale to cold traffic…

I delivered this as a live training in the new BTMSinsiders Facebook group (another exclusive benefit you get as part of BTMSinsiders membership).

It’s the first time I’ve ever gone into a “look over my shoulder”-type training on creating funnels for cold traffic.

Including all the problem-solving and diagnostic and prescriptive work of redirecting the client to create brand new offers and brand-new strategy…

It’s really raw…

But in this case, that’s beneficial…

Because it gives you the sense of actually working alongside me…

Going through the thinking…

Developing the plan…

And seeing it come together in the end.

Which is all about the APPLICATION of all the principles and strategies I teach, aimed at a specific situation, project, and objective.

If you want to create consistently more profitable, scalable funnels  You’ll want to dive headfirst into Creating a Client Funnel Project from Scratch!

You’ll hear what I’m looking for to even decide if I want to do the project in the first place — plus all the information I gather prior to coming up with a funnel plan…

You’ll get all my thinking and problem-solving to identify what offers work for selling to cold traffic and low-awareness markets — and what I do if there’s not an offer I like…

And you’ll see it all come together into a comprehensive funnel plan, including the EXTRA work I decided to do to maximize my chance of creating a big winner that can crank out profits and royalty income for me…

It’s a rapid-fire training, that clocked in at just over an hour.

And as a BTMSinsiders member, you get instant streaming access to the entire training — plus a download of the call notes, including the description of all the copy elements that will go into the funnel and why I included them.

Imagine— YOU creating profitable, scalable cold traffic funnels from scratch

This is one of the highest-paid skills in online direct response marketing.

And the copywriters with the best reputations, that command the highest fees, are well-versed in the exact kind of thinking you’ll get as you watch Creating a Client Funnel Project from Scratch.

As you apply what you learn in this training…

You’ll start to develop more successful campaigns and funnels for clients…

Getting a reputation as a winning copywriter…

Building your income through royalties and other profit-sharing deals…

Increasing the demand for your services…

Justifying higher fees…

To the point where you can basically write your own ticket as a copywriter…

(… Or, go off and create funnels for your own business, and keep all the profits your funnels generate!)

And enjoy all the spoils of your success!

It all starts when you press play on this training — and the way you do that is by becoming an Insider, with a BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass… 

You can click that link to read more about the All-Access Pass, or simply click a Join Now button on this page to become an Insider.

Founder & Lead Instructor, BTMSinsiders

Roy Furr

"I share ideas that grow businesses." At the heart of everything he does, whether that's consulting, copywriting, speaking, publishing, or training through BTMSinsiders, that one idea drives Roy forward. To share proven ideas for helping you grow your business today, based on the principles of effective direct response marketing.Roy Furr is one of the world's most-recognized authorities on direct response, results-accountable marketing and advertising. As both a copywriter and marketing strategist, Roy has been responsible for multiple multi-million dollar breakthroughs for clients since 2005. Today, Roy continues working with a limited number of high-level clients on creating marketing breakthroughs, publishes the free daily Breakthrough Marketing Secrets (BTMS) essays (regularly read and circulated among the marketing A-list), and is the founder and lead instructor of BTMSinsiders.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Creating a Client Funnel Project from Scratch

    • Live Training Recording (1:05:46)

    • A Quick Request

    • Download Call Notes

Creating a Client Funnel Project from Scratch
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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Join Now



Roy is a tour guide with all the maps

James Ball

Wow. This training is like a guided tour into the pyramids of Egypt, with the foundations explained, the labyrinths diagrammed, and the hieroglyphics translated. I don't see how I'd ever come across this material, presented this way, anywhere else. Roy is always leading us beyond copywriting and into strategy and consulting. And that, my friends, is the Holy Land. 10/10.


Solid insight into the funnels used by the financial niche to maximise their ROI

Avinash Luke

Having worked in the financial niche and being involved in crafting funnels myself, Roy's training does an excellent job at exploring how business owners can use funnels to make money more wisely, AND how copywriters can pile on the value, and demonstrate expertise in their next project so they can go beyond being a business entity that just writes copy.



Steven Roggenbuck

Loved this detailed look inside the whole funnel creation process, and really the thought process behind what kind of offer and funnel they needed to make paid cold traffic work for this specific business. Would be interesting for copywriters and entrepreneurs/business owners alike.


An excellent comprehensive overview

Steve Hill

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the thinking and strategy that goes on behind the scenes with any funnel-based project. The ability to skillfully design and guide across the entire marketing process (as opposed to simply providing copy) is what makes a true marketing copywriter so valuable to clients.


5 Stars

Csaba Borzási

Members: Rate and review this course.

Roy Furr
Founder, BTMSinsiders

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I personally stand behind the value of BTMSinsiders, with a simple guarantee.  Try us for your first month, at zero risk or obligation. If you're not totally satisfied for any reason, let us know by emailing [email protected]. You'll get a prompt and courteous full refund of your first month's fee. After your first month, cancel anytime and you won't be billed a penny more.

My business runs on a set of core values, and the first is "The Golden Rule." That means we treat others the best way we want to be treated. Whether you love or hate us or our content (or anywhere in between), we will do right by you.

Creating a Client Funnel Project from Scratch
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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