Discover your prospects’ and buyers’ 
deepest, most intimate secrets —
using ChatGPT AI.

At this point, copywriters who avoid AI tools like ChatGPT are just being dumb.  (Sorry, not sorry.)

I’m not saying you should use AI to do the writing for you.  (Not yet, at least.)

Rather, it’s a POWERFUL tool for certain parts of the copywriting process.

It helps you write better copy, faster.

And what started as a competitive advantage is starting to feel like a competitive necessity.

But there's a specific application of AI that's not just a part of the future — it's the damn jet fuel. I'm talking about market research.

👆 And by the way, that bold paragraph was written by ChatGPT, as part of researching this.

Market research can be 
a freaking slog….

Want to know what’s going on in the mind of your customers?

Doing the actual legwork to figure out how your customers think can take you down a million long paths to nowhere.

I’ll tell you from personal experience, it’s 100% the worst thing I can set off to do with my ADHD brain.

Because you start off trying to find all the forums, online discussions, blog posts, videos, and any other content from your target market…

About their experience and the problem your offer solves…

And that’s why my ADHD goes bonkers…

Chasing threads…  

Getting lost on yet another tab… 

Going through yet another forum thread…

And even if I manage to stay on task, it can take forever to get through all of it, just to pull out a few key insights into what makes my prospect tick.

(Assuming I didn’t just accidentally spend an hour watching some musician’s live performance video on YouTube because I was a little curious when YouTube suggested that as a “watch next.”  Not like I’m referring to a specific recent experience there or anything.)

This is often the longest, most frustrating part of my copywriting process.

Especially when the topic is less familiar to me.


It’s 100% necessary.

If you want to be 
a persuasive copywriter, 
you gotta get under the skin 
of your prospects.

What are their dreams, their desires, the destiny they see for themselves?

What are their fears, frustrations, and most embarrassing failures?

Why is having the problem your offer solves so agitating?  

What are their specific irritations and headaches and roadblocks?  

What wall do they keep running into, that will ultimately inspire them to pursue a solution?

You can get this information from ChatGPT in minutes.

The first time I used some of these market research techniques, I was blown away with how quickly and accurately I was able to get it to reflect the inner experience and especially frustrations of my market.

NOTE: I’m NOT talking about factual research.  AI kinda sucks at that, and I’d generally avoid it — especially in compliance-heavy markets.  But trying to understand the experience of someone in your market?  BANG!  We just hit the sweet spot.

This is incredibly fun — 
and powerful.

I suddenly feel like I have mind-reading capabilities.

I used to get lost in long, meandering market research.

Now I actually do it for fun (seriously).

I’ll just pop open ChatGPT and throw in a prompt out of sheer curiosity.

And suddenly I’ll be peeking into the mind of my market, figuring out what makes them tick, what secrets are behind their buying behavior, what their triggers are that will make them give me money.

Often revealing unexpected angles that are so on-point but that I just wasn’t getting to on my own.

And it’s pretty accurate about THIS part of market research.

Within minutes I have the same insight it previously took me hours to find.

Not only that, I’m getting a ton of inspiration for specific copy.

Because when you do it right, you can pull specific language out of ChatGPT, and turn it into copy, fast.

It transforms the market research part of copywriting from an uphill climb to a rocket ride.  

Here’s why this might be 
the #1 use of AI in copywriting 
right now…

Yes, AI might eventually be able to write copy better than us.

Heck, strike might.  It WILL.

But right now, AI still requires a skilled copywriter to give it the right prompts, and to rework its output into strong copy.

But ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) are PERFECTLY suited for this market research part.

You see, when they “train” a LLM, they basically just put a TON of language into it.  

Writing, speaking, whatever.

This can be super casual conversations.

It can be formal papers and articles.

The LLM is fed and processes a TON of language.

And language reflects our experience.  It’s how we process and share our internal state.  Our thoughts, emotions, insights, reflections.

So these LLMs have all this experience captured in language.

Then when you ask it a question, or give it a prompt, it takes all the input it has on whatever topic you’re talking about, and represents that input with new language.

So basically it takes the kinds of experience we all have and talk about, and “talks” about it like it’s a new person who has had similar experiences.

It’s like having unfettered access
to your perfect prospects!

LOL…  And as an introverted copywriter, you don’t even have to have any awkward interviews with them!

When you know the right questions to ask, the right ways to prompt the AI…

You can get so much inside information from the AI, that you might even struggle to get a human to reveal.

  • Embarrassing secrets.
  • Reflections not every member of the market would be comfortable sharing.
  • Emotional responses that hit the most sensitive hot buttons.

It’s all laid out for you, with no verbal teeth-pulling required.

My new Copywriting Market Research with ChatGPT training will show you exactly how to do it.  

Here’s how you get access to
Copywriting Market Research with ChatGPT

Copywriting Market Research with ChatGPT: Uncover your market’s emotional pain and frustrations with AI is the May 2023 Monthly Insiders Call for BTMSinsiders members.

This exclusive benefit of membership — included as part of the BTMSinsiders All-Access Pass — allows you to participate in the training live, plus gives you access to all past Insiders Calls recordings.

Founder & Lead Instructor, BTMSinsiders

Roy Furr

"I share ideas that grow businesses." At the heart of everything he does, whether that's consulting, copywriting, speaking, publishing, or training through BTMSinsiders, that one idea drives Roy forward. To share proven ideas for helping you grow your business today, based on the principles of effective direct response marketing.Roy Furr is one of the world's most-recognized authorities on direct response, results-accountable marketing and advertising. As both a copywriter and marketing strategist, Roy has been responsible for multiple multi-million dollar breakthroughs for clients since 2005. Today, Roy continues working with a limited number of high-level clients on creating marketing breakthroughs, publishes the free daily Breakthrough Marketing Secrets (BTMS) essays (regularly read and circulated among the marketing A-list), and is the founder and lead instructor of BTMSinsiders.

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    Copywriting Market Research with ChatGPT

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Copywriting Market Research with ChatGPT
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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Roy's Riding the Crest of the AI Wave

Kevin Dawson

The most important skill a copywriter could have: Research.
The best copy cub you could have to do this excruciating grunt-work: ChatGPT. Thanks for this, Roy!

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Roy Furr
Founder, BTMSinsiders

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Copywriting Market Research with ChatGPT
is available exclusively for BTMSinsiders members

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